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The Inescapable Lure of the Next Big JavaScript Framework


I should come right out and admit that, in my earlier coding days, I was a wide-eyed connoisseur of front-end JavaScript frameworks—React, Angular, Vue, Svelte, and every ephemeral variant in between. My GitHub account still bears the scars of countless half-finished side projects, each a fleeting attempt to master the Shiny New Thing that everyone else was praising in frenzied Slack channels1. It was a bit like collecting exotic pets: exhilarating at first, but you soon find your home full of specialized aquariums and infinite cleaning routines.

In the beginning, the frameworks seemed near-miraculous. “Look! I can bind data to the DOM with half the boilerplate!” or “Behold, a state management pattern so elegant it practically refactors itself!” Each time a fresh library landed on the scene, it promised to solve every vexation that had plagued the previous one. Sure, it took me half a day to read the docs, and another couple of days to debug baffling errors that turned out to be missing curly braces. But such is the price of admission to the bleeding edge, right?

The Cult of the New

It’s not just me. We, the front-end community, are collectively obsessed with newness2. A library that’s even six months old might feel hopelessly outdated, overshadowed by its younger, cooler cousin. The vendor halls at JavaScript conferences (when these things are in-person) are crowded with stands for frameworks you’ve never heard of, all brandishing a spiffy name and an even spiffier tagline: “Superfast. Zero Configuration. Declarative Everything.” The siren song is near irresistible.

But lurking beneath this bright, sugary promise is a deeper tension: What are we actually trying to accomplish? Because, yes, if you’re building a massive enterprise dashboard with billions of data points, you might need the performance or compositional elegance of a sophisticated framework. However, in many everyday cases, you’re mostly just making a handful of dynamic components and reusing a few of them across the site. Is the overhead of adopting the “latest and greatest” worth it if your primary goal is just to get something stable into production?

The Paradox of Choice

Here’s the real kicker: by flooding ourselves with so many frameworks, we become like the proverbial donkey standing equidistant between two bales of hay—unable to pick one, we starve. Or in developer terms, we spend weeks in “analysis paralysis,” comparing API designs, performance metrics, and churn rates on GitHub instead of shipping an actual feature. The inescapable sense that “maybe there’s a slightly better library out there” can keep us stuck perpetually in tutorial-hell.

And ironically, each new framework aims to reduce complexity, to streamline the process of building interactive web apps. Instead, the proliferation of options can increase complexity at the meta-level: you have to learn multiple frameworks if you want to stay “relevant,” keep track of slightly differing syntaxes, and read mountainous blog posts titled something like “React vs. Vue vs. Angular vs. Svelte: The Ultimate Comparison”. Each article is inevitably inconclusive anyway, concluding with some variant of, “It depends on your use case. But here’s a pun-laden tutorial on how to get started!”

The Honeymoon Ends

Let’s say you do settle on a brand-new library. You dive in, thrilled by the luminous promise of performance benchmarks that rival unpainted HTML. Then, a couple of months in, you realize the docs are riddled with contradictions, the community chat is a ghost town, and the clever code generation approach is actually making the debugging process borderline Kafkaesque. Because in real life, the honeymoon with any tool ends, and you’re left dealing with the messy realities: cryptic error messages, version conflicts, or performance hits from an overlooked corner case.

Sure, older frameworks have their own baggage, but they also have armies of problem-solvers who’ve encountered the same weird issues. A new framework might leave you feeling like an Antarctic explorer—thrilled by the uncharted territory, but also alone in the howling winds.

The Human Element

What gets overlooked in all this is people. Pick any tool, and the success or failure of your project more often hinges on how well your team communicates, shares knowledge, and adheres to sensible patterns. Code architecture is ultimately a social construct. If you have a fractious or disorganized team, a brand-new framework won’t magically fix that. If you have a cohesive, thoughtful team, they might deliver wonders even with the most “boring” or old-fashioned tech stack. This is the unspoken truth that rarely hits the front page of Hacker News: newness is exciting, but interpersonal and organizational competence is what really delivers results.

Can We Just Stop?

Not entirely. The pace of innovation is part of the JavaScript ecosystem’s DNA. We can’t wholly halt progress; new ideas do sometimes spark profound improvements. But we can stop fetishizing the new. We can weigh the benefits of adopting a fresh framework against the cost of re-educating the entire dev team, rewriting existing components, and debugging the corners nobody else has tested yet3.

Instead of reflexively jumping on the next big thing, we might ask: “Do we have a genuine problem that this new framework solves in a substantially better way?” or “Is it worth re-training the entire team for this?” If the answer is a murky “maybe,” then perhaps the default stance should be caution, or even a polite “no thank you.” The open-source world moves at breakneck speed, but shipping stable features often requires us to slow down and embrace what we already know.

Conclusion: Less FOMO, More Focus

If there’s a moral to this cautionary tale, it’s that chasing after every new front-end framework can quickly devolve into a joyless treadmill. You might wind up with half-baked prototypes that never see the light of production, and a swirling sense of inadequacy as you fail to keep pace with the daily deluge of “Introducing YetAnotherJS!” blog posts. But the truth is, building robust applications has more to do with how you structure your logic, how you test and refine, how you talk to your teammates about changes, than it does with which UI library your DOM calls home.

So by all means, explore new tools when they genuinely solve a pressing problem—just don’t let the hype run your life. Sometimes, the best approach is to perfect your craft on a single framework or approach, rather than scatter your energies across five. The web, after all, is big enough for all of us, and your main job is to deliver experiences that delight users, not prove your JavaScript trendiness.


  1. There’s a special shame in skipping from framework to framework the moment Twitter collectively decides some new library is “lit,” only to realize you never even shipped the last project you started.
  2. We’re not alone, of course. The entire software industry is fairly enamored with newness. But front-end JavaScript folks seem particularly susceptible—perhaps because JavaScript itself started life as a scrappy underdog language, always in flux.
  3. Nothing is quite as harrowing as discovering that the brand-new state management plugin your entire app relies on was built by one developer over a single weekend, who has since moved on to crocheting cat sweaters and is no longer responding to issues.

© Alexander Cannon. All disclaimers disclaimable, subject to revision if and when a hotter new framework appears tomorrow.

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